Flight From Police

Flight From Police

Flight From Police 249.1 (1) Everyone commits an offence who, operating a motor vehicle while being pursued by a peace officer operating a motor vehicle, fails, without reasonable excuse and in order to evade the peace officer, to stop the vehicle as soon as is...

Failure To Yield To A Pedestrian

Failure To Yield to A Pedestrian Sec 144(7) Drivers including cyclists must stop and yield the entire width of the roadway (wait for pedestrians to clear the road) at: pedestrian crossovers school crossings locations where there is a crossing guard Only when...

Fail To Report

Fail To Report Sec 199(1)  Section 199(1) of the Ontario Highway Traffic Act creates a Fail to Report ticket, and the act stipulates the duty of any driver involved in an accident directly or indirectly has a duty to report the particulars of the accident to a peace...

Failing To Remain

Failing To Remain Sec 200(1) What is a Failure to Remain Ticket? Section 200(1)(a) of the Ontario Highway Traffic Act creates the offence for Fail to Remain, and expresses that any driver involved in an accident must remain at, or return immediately to, the scene...

Seatbelt Violations

Seatbelt Violations-Sec 106 All motor vehicle drivers and passengers in Ontario must wear a seatbelt that is properly adjusted and securely fastened. Drivers As a driver, you are responsible for wearing your seatbelt and making sure: every person in your vehicle has...