Charged with Aggressive Driving?

Reduce Heavy Fines or Even Jail Time

Avoid high insurance costs, loosing your drivers licence or ability to travel



Stunt Driving charges are not only life changing but will result in an IMMEDIATE 30-day driver’s licence suspension and a 14-day vehicle impoundment at the roadside no matter whose personal or business vehicle you are driving. Fines start at $2,000 and can be as high as $10,000, with a jail term of up to 6 months on the first conviction or up to 10 years for subsequent convictions. Licence suspension of up to 3 years on the first conviction and subsequent convictions could result in 6 demerit points or even a lifetime suspension. Call Street Justice now, we will help you develop a plan of action.

Know the Risks of Speeding

The faster you drive, the higher your risk of losing control and being involved in a crash, which can be fatal or cause serious injury. The risk of fatality or serious injury is 11 times higher in collisions at 50 kilometres per hour or more over a speed limit of 100 kilometres per hour, than when vehicles are involved in a collision while driving at, or below, the posted limit (2013-2017 Ontario data). The laws of physics behind speeding affect everyone the same way. Speeding increases braking and stopping distances. It also reduces your field of vision, which makes it harder to react quickly to changing road conditions. The higher your speed, the bigger the risks and the higher the penalties.

Penalties for Stunting

Dangerous driving behaviours are criminal offences under the Highway Traffic Act (HTA)Know the costs of speeding and aggressive driving – and the penalties you could face for it – before you get behind the wheel read more below.

Impounded Vehicles, Possible Lifetime Licence Suspension

Licence suspension of up to 3 years on the first conviction and subsequent convictions could result in 6 demerit points or worse. Call us now, we will help you develop a plan of action.

Aggressive Driving Offences

Aggressive and High-Risk Driving or Speeding:

  • Tailgating or following too closely
  • Cutting off other drivers, or cutting in front and then slowing down
  • Refusing to yield the right of way
  • Honking repeatedly, or for no reason
  • Running red lights
  • Excessive lane changes or weaving through traffic
  • Passing too close to cyclists
  • Stopping on a pedestrian crosswalk at an intersection

Possible Aggressive Driving Charges

Aggressive or careless drivers who put themselves and others at risk can be charged with careless driving. If you are convicted of careless driving, you can face:

  • Fines of up to $2,000
  • Six demerit points
  • A maximum of six months in jail
  • A driver’s licence suspension of up to two years

Possible Carless Driving Causing Bodily Harm Charges

If you are convicted of careless driving causing bodily harm or death you can face:

  • Fines from $2,000 to $50,000
  • Six demerit points
  • A maximum of two years in jail
  • Courts can impose a driver’s licence suspension of up to five years

Stunt Driving and Street Racing

Stunt Driving and Street Racing are dangerous and illegal. You can find a full list of aggressive and high-risk behaviours that are considered Stunt Driving or Street Racing in the O. Reg. 455/07 of the Highway Traffic Act (HTA).

Stunt Driving Offences:

  • Driving 40 kilometres per hour or more over the speed limit on roads with a speed limit less than 80 kilometres per hour
  • Driving 50 kilometres per hour or more over the speed limit
  • Driving in a way that prevents other vehicles from passing
  • Intentionally cutting off another vehicle
  • Intentionally driving too close to another vehicle, pedestrian or fixed object
  • Drivers caught driving 150 kilometres per hour or more, anywhere in Ontario, including sections of freeways with limits of 110 kilometres per hour.

Street Racing Offences:

  • Two or more motor vehicles driving in a way that indicates the drivers are competing
  • Chasing another motor vehicle
  • Changing lanes repeatedly at a high rate of speed and weaving through traffic

Drivers Involved in Stunt Driving or Street Racing are Subject to:

  • Immediate 30-day driver’s licence suspension
  • Immediate 14-day vehicle impoundment at roadside (whether it is your vehicle or not)
  • Minimum fine of $2,000 and a maximum fine of $10,000
  • Jail term of up to six months

Post-Conviction Licence Suspension of:

  • Minimum of one year and a maximum of three years for the first conviction
  • Minimum of three years and a maximum of 10 years for a second conviction
  • Lifetime suspension, reducible after 10 years under certain criteria, for a third conviction
  • Lifetime suspension, non-reducible, for a fourth and subsequent convictions
  • Six demerit points

Other Penalties for Stunting Charges

Drivers convicted of aggressive, careless or stunt driving will experience a substantial increase in their insurance rates or could become uninsurable.

Novice Drivers Will Face

At least a 30-day licence suspension and possible Licence Cancellation for any conviction for the following offences:

  • Speeding 30 kilometres per hour or more over the speed limit
  • Following too closely
  • Careless driving
  • Fail to remain at the scene of a collision
  • Stunt driving

Speeding Fines in the Province of Ontario

Set Fines: The set fine is the out of court settlement which can be found on the speeding ticket.

Not all speeding offences have set fines. The fine will depend on how fast you were travelling over the posted speed limit.  For example, if you drive 40 km per hour over the speed limit, you will be fined $7, times 40, for a total of $280.

General Speeding

In a Community Safety Zone

In a Construction Zone with Workers

General Speeding Fines

Set Fine
1-19 kph over
20-29 kph over
30-49 kph over
50+ kph over
No Set Fine/No Out of Court Settlement

Speeding In a Community Safety Zone

Set Fine up to Double
1-19 kph over
20-29 kph over
30-49 kph over
50+ kph over
No Set Fine/No Out of Court Settlement

Speeding In a Construction Zone

Set Fine
1-19 kph over
20-29 kph over
30-49 kph over
50+ kph over
No Set Fine/No Out of Court Settlement

Demerit Points for Speeding

Drivers in Ontario convicted of speeding charges in Ontario of 16+ km/h over the speed limit will be given demerit points. Demerit points will stay on your driving record for 2 years.


Offence Type Demerit Points
Less than 15 km/h over No Demerit Points
16-29 km/h over 3 Demerit Points
30-49 km/h over 4 Demerit Points
50+ km/h over 6 Demerit Points
Racing and Stunt Driving 6 Demerit Points

Possible Increase in Insurance Premiums

Speeding ticket convictions can lead to a licence suspension due to accumulating demerit points. Convictions for speeding can result in an increase in your insurance premium. Street Justice suggests you contact your insurance broker to determine how much your insurance can increase with speeding convictions. Insurance companies care about the number of convictions, so paying that minor ticket for 15 km/h over the limit and then getting a ticket for failing to surrender your insurance card. May cause your insurance premium to skyrocket out of control.